Tuesday, July 24, 2007

We took Claudia to the Hendricks County Fair last night. It was a very small fair, but just perfect for little kids. She had a great time on the rides and eating a giant corndog, her favorite!

Claudia on her way to YMCA day camp. She had a really good time.

Yes, she was getting her hair cut in the driveway. Our friend that's a hairdresser came over and cut Claudia's, HC's, and 3 of our neighbors hair out in the front of the house! :-)
Just a cute picture of the kids in the bathtub. Tripp LOVES bathtime!
He had no idea he had a Cheerio stuck to his head.
Silly boy!!!
Claudia and her team at their first t-ball game. Aren't they cute?
What ball?
Claudia did really good with t-ball. Much better than soccer.
Daddy and Tripp at the ballpark.
Tripp swinging at the park.
Claudia and Tripp in the baby swings. Silly little girl! Claudia climbing on the tee-pee at the park.